SESH Classes

Social, Emotional, & Sexual Health

Interactive online classes offer anonymity and practical skills.


I offer one-on-one and small group sex education classes for young people ages 11 and up.

  • Classes are taught live online one-on-one or with a small group of peers—parents & caregivers are asked to give their student/s privacy during class. Capacity is limited to 5 students so everyone has the opportunity to get their questions answered and class material can be tailored to the learners.

    The main platform we use is ClickMeeting because it’s optimal for education. It allows students to learn anonymously & securely, offers chat moderation, and has several interactive features like polling, quizzes, surveys, & video integration. Inside ClickMeeting, we also use Pear Deck for interactive questions & videos. If a student uses a school-issued device for class, it’s important to make sure these sites are whitelisted by the school’s network. Three days before class, students receive log-in instructions via email with a unique link & password to enter class. They need to log into class with the email provided during sign-up.

    Students can choose to remain anonymous during class. Microphones and cameras are administered by me and are turned off upon entry, students can request to turn them on if they like. Students may also use their initials or a pseudonym as their class username as long as they log in with the email address provided at sign-up. This level of anonymity helps students feel more comfortable asking questions and learning about sensitive topics while making sure our classes stay safe from uninvited visitors.

  • In 2018, after teaching state-sponsored sex education curricula for almost ten years, I was dissatisfied and bored. So I wrote my own. SESH stands for social, emotional, & sexual health and it takes an SEL approach to sex ed because sexuality does not exist in a vacuum. It exists in a culture, a society, a body, and a mind--sexuality exists in people. That means when we teach about birth control we have to talk about relationships. When we talk about relationships, we teach about consent. When we teach about consent, we need to acknowledge power, privilege, and systems of oppression--it’s all connected, we can’t separate these pieces from each other.

    SESH was originally designed as a school-based curriculum where each grade level receives a class in each of the three subject areas each year, facilitating core knowledge & skill acquisition over time. In 2020, after realizing how many students cannot access quality sex education because their school does not offer it, I began offering these same classes online directly to parents & caregivers. I continue to offer customizable SESH programming to schools and organizations.

    For one-on-one and small group classes, we will meet ahead of time to discuss your goals, restrictions, and priority topic areas for class. Depending on the age of the student/s, I sometimes prefer to meet with parents and students separately, but for younger students, I prefer to meet them together with their parents.

    Please contact me with questions.


I taught in the classroom for several years before making the shift to online education permanent.
I offer online programming in classrooms to schools & organizations in the U.S. & Canada.
Please get in touch to discuss your school’s or organization’s needs (the earlier the better).

    • Practical Puberty Skills

    • Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

    • Reproductive Anatomy

    • Dating 101

    • Internet Safety: Privacy, Predators, & Porn


    • Mental Health

    • Birth Control Decisions

    • Substance Use & Vaping

    • Consent & Safety in Relationships


  • Trainings for youth-serving organizations are highly customizable but topics I’ve taught on include:

    Girls’ Health 101

    Youth Mental Health

    LGBTQ+ Terms & Trends

    Talking With Youth About Sexuality & Gender


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