Is Your Kid Using Porn for Sex Ed?

Parenting teenagers in the digital age is not an easy task. As soon as your kid has unsupervised access to the Internet, whether that's at school on a laptop or at home on a tablet, they have access to sexually explicit media and information.

Most kids have already seen pornography by the time they're 12 and 45% of teenagers agree that they can learn helpful information about sex from pornography. 

But children using pornography for sex education is already having dangerous and far-reaching consequences.

The New York Times reported that two thirds of college-aged women reported having been choked during a recent sexual encounter and 40% of those women said the first time they were choked was between the ages of 12-17. Choking during sex is extremely dangerous and, at this point, extremely common among young people.

Rough sex among teenagers is on a meteoric rise and while pornography and the media are partially to blame, the absence of quality sex education, whether from parents or schools, is a large part of the equation.

Because sex education in schools continues to be attacked and diminished, state by state, parents are left with the entire burden of educating their kids about sex.

But most of these parents received little-to-no sex education themselves, so where are they supposed to start?

With me.

As a professional sex educator with more than 12 years' experience in middle and high schools, I can provide the personalized education your kid needs to navigate a rapidly changing sexuality landscape.

In 1:1 sex ed lessons, I work directly with your kid on a curriculum designed specifically to balance yours and their priorities.

Whether it's a new LGBTQ+ identity, navigating the throes of puberty, choosing a birth control, or starting dating, I've got you covered.

You'll know in advance exactly what we're going to discuss because we'll design the curriculum together.

The first class or two might be a little bit awkward but I have years of experience connecting with young people and I don't mind if they leave their cameras off during class.

Classes can be scheduled during the school day if you homeschool or during after-school hours if not. 

Private sex ed lessons are typically 4-6 sessions. By working together, we'll give your kid an access point to quality sexuality information so they don't have to find porn to get answers to their questions.

Clarissa Herman

Sex educator for ages 11+ and relationship coach for grown-ups. I work one-on-one, in schools, and offer professional development for organizations.

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